Advertising Specs & Rates for FTC Playbills & Programs
Ad Rates & Specifications for FTC PAC Playbills and/or Programs
Hello and thank you for your interest in advertising your business in one of our publications. As an accredited institution of higher education, FTC complies with many official standards. Therefore, while we welcome you to submit your ad, please bear in mind that FTC reserves the right to accept or deny any/all submissions that veer from our fundamental mission in the higher education area or are unacceptable based on our sole discretion.
In any event, we appreciate your interest and any submission will receive a reply communication to confirm receipt. Thank you!
- Our standard full page in playbill is 6″W x 9″H
1- Business card size – $50
2- Quarter page ad size – $100
3- Half page ad – $200
4- Full page ad size – $300
PDF or JPEG files accepted