Compliance Certification & Education/Training for Faculty and Staff

Five Towns College welcomes all faculty and staff to campus. As part of the education/training onboarding and professional development required of a member of an institution of higher education, certain mandates under state and federal law must be completed. At this time, faculty and staff are required to read, review and certify that they have completed the Compliance Education/Training online; there are two parts, included below.

In addition to this, in-person training and education is provided to all employees, including the Title IX team and deputies, from our institutional partners-Crime Victims Center and the ECLI-VIBES, a non-profit, victim services agency. ECLI-VIBES is the name of the combined organization of both The Empowerment Collaborative of Long Island, Inc. (ECLI) and Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS). Further, Five Towns College is a participating campus in the SUNY Student Conduct Institute. As such, our institution has other and vast education and training materials available to it that all are encouraged to use. The link to the materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process is available here.

  • The first education/training provided in Part 1 below relates to NYS Article 129-B Education law a/k/a Enough is Enough about sexual assault on college campuses. It also relates to Title IX-updates under the federal law; this is included since the subject matter is similar.
  • The second education/training provided in Part 2 below relates to the annual requirements under NYS Labor Law, Section 201-G about Sexual Harassment Prevention.
  • Please follow the instructions to assure compliance. Thank you!

Part 1: The NYS Article 129-B, Enough is Enough and Title IX Education and Training.

Please download and review the Title IX Resource Guide (PDF) and Five Towns College updated policy (PDF); also, watch the videos below.

Part 2: NYS Labor Law 201-G, Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and Training

Annual training and certification is required. To accomplish this and have it be interactive, please watch the two videos and submit questions, concerns or topics to discuss to [email protected].

After you have thoroughly reviewed these materials, please complete the form to acknowledge and document that you have completed the required education/training.